Supervisory Loyalty (loyalty to supervisors) has a significant influence on employee effectiveness in business settings. Western researchers conceptualize supervisory loyalty (imposed-etic SL) as a subordinate's identification with and internalization of supervisors' values or behaviors. In Chinese business settings, four additional dimensions are included in the concept to form emic supervisory loyalty (emic SL): sacrifice and dedication, task assistance, obedience and compliance, and initiative supportiveness. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship among emic SL, imposed-etic SL, and employee effectiveness. Two studies were conducted. In Study 1, 660 employees of a Taiwanese semiconductor testing company were surveyed. Results indicated that, except for turnover intention, the emic SL variables significantly increased the ability to predict self-rating in-role job performance, attendance, and job satisfaction after controlling for the effect of etic SL variable. In Study 2, we surveyed 538 employees from 59 Taiwanese companies, and obtained the following results supporting Study 1: (a) After controlling for the effect of the imposed-etic SL variable, dimensions of emic SL significantly increased the ability to predict employee turnover intention, self-rating in-role job performance, and emic organizational citizenship behavior (OCB); (b) emic SL variables had no significant effect on predicting imposed-etic OCB; (c) among the dimensions of emic SL, task assistance and initiative supportiveness had significantly positive effects on predicting self-rating in-role job performance. However, task assistance had a significant negative effect on predicting turnover intention. In contrast to the other three variables, sacrifice and dedication had a positive effect on predicting turnover intention, but a negative effect on predicting emic OGB. Implications and research directions are noted for future inquiry into supervisory loyalty.
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