


The Principal's Leadership, Leader-member Exchange Quality, and the Teacher's Extra-role Behavior: The Effects of Transformational and Paternalistic Leadership


鄭伯壎(Bor-Shiuan Cheng);謝佩鴛(Pei-Yuan Shieh);周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou)


上下關係品質 ; 角色外行為 ; 家長式領導 ; 校長領導 ; 轉型式領導 ; leadership ; leader-member ; exchange quality ; extra-role behavior ; transformational leadership ; paternalistic leadership




17期(2002 / 06 / 01)


105 - 161




在學校組識中,校長的領導扮演著極為重要的角色。然而,過去針對華人社會校長領導的研究,不管是移植型研究或是本土化研究,都未能探討探討校長領導與領導效能的關係,此其一。其二,家長式領導是流行於華人組識的一種領導作風,此作風與西方的轉型式領導相形之下,具有何種獨特的效果,亦少有人研究。有鑑於此,本研究以一百五十七位台灣小學校長與五百零九位教師為研究對象,發現:(1) 對教師角色外行為的解釋效果,以家長式領導中的仁慈領導與德行領導最佳;(2) 對教師知覺之上下關係品質的解釋,家長式領導與轉型式領導都各有其獨特效果;(3) 校長領導作風與教師角色外行為的關係,會受到上下關係品質的中介,而支持了校長領導-上下關係品質-教師效能之IPO模式的想法。最後,討論了本研究在教育行政實務、學校領導理論的涵意,並指出了未來的研究方向。


As an indigenous leadership style, paternalistic leadership is common in Chinese business organizations. However, few studies have examined the effects of paternalistic leadership in education administration, especially as compared to transformational leadership. In this study, 157 principals and 509 teachers from 157 elementary schools in north Taiwan were sampled to examine the effect of leadership style. The results showed that: (1) paternalistic leadership has significant effect on the extra-role behavior of teachers; (2) paternalistic leadership and transformational leadership individually have significant unique effects on leader-member exchange quality; and (3) the relationship between the principal's leadership and the teacher's extra-role behavior is mediated by leader-member exchange quality. Implications are discussed and issues for further study indicated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
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